What is Trichy to Karur distance? 82.6 km (Kilometre) via Kulithalai

Trichy and Karur are adjacent districts located at the center of Tamil Nadu state in India. Both are connected by Highway roads and Train routes. People living here most frequently travel between these places for work, education, and medical checkups.


trichy to karur distance km kilometre via kulithalai


Trichy to Karur distance is 82.6 Km (kilometre), Via Kulithalai. The time for travel is 1 hour 48 minutes by bus, through Nagapattinam – Coimbatore – Gundlupet highway. The Private Bus ticket price is 60 Rupees; While Government bus ticket price is 75 Rupees.


You can take a bus from Tiruchirappalli Central bus station or Chathiram bus stand. All the busses traveling to Coimbatore, Tiruppur will pass through the Karur bus stand. So you can take direct Karur bus or Coimbatore, Tiruppur busses.

What is Trichy to Karur bus ticket price?

Trichy to Karur govt bus ticket price is Rs 75 exactly, while the private bus ticket price is Rs 60. Both the government bus and private bus travel through kulithalai and the travel time for both the busses are the same. Government and private buses are available from Trichy to Karur throughout the day. Private bus ticket price is 25 percent lower than government bus ticket price.

If you are planning to take a bus from Trichy to Karur, then you need to board a bus at Tiruchirappalli Central Bus stand, which is in the cantonment area of Trichy City. This bus stand is near the Tiruchirappalli railway junction.
You can board any bus which is traveling to Coimbatore, Tiruppur district. All the buses traveling to Coimbatore and Tiruppur district will surely stop at the Karur bus stand.


The bus from Trichy Central Bus stand will travel through Trichy chatram bus stand and via Kulithalai, it will teach Karur bus stand. If you are near to Chathiram bus stand, you need not go to the Trichy Central Bus stand; you can directly take a bus to Karur from the Trichy Chathiram bus station itself.


The bus will have a one-minute stop at the Kulithalai bus stand before reaching Karur.


Trichy to Karur train time

Both Trichy and Karur have railway junctions and are connected. So, if you are planning to travel by train then you need to board at Tiruchirappalli junction which is near the Trichy Central Bus stand of the cantonment area. The train route from Trichy to Karur will be in a parallel line to the road route.

The travel time by train and bus route will be the same, but most people prefer to take buses because of the easy availability of buses from Trichy to Karur.

Working people, who travel daily to Karur, will prefer train travel; because they will be getting a monthly pass in Train which costs very less compared to the bus ticket. Most of the theatres in Karur are located near the Karur railway junction.


Trichy to Karur via Kulithalai

Kulithalai bus stand is 2 km away from the Trichy to Karur highway.
If you are planning to travel by car or own vehicle; then you need not go to the Kulithalai bus stand, you can bypass it and reach Karur quickly.

Lalapettai is one of the bus stop’s in between Trichy to Karur. It is an agriculture and farming area. Farmers in that location will be selling their farm products on the national highway itself. Banana is one of the main agricultural produce which is sold at Lalapettai bus stop. The other products sold are jasmine flowers, groundnuts, and corn.

You can find many houses for sale in Karur on this route. The famous hospitals in Karur such as Karur medical college are in this route only


Bus stops between Trichy to Karur

The important bus stops while traveling from Trichy to Karur are JeeyaPuram, Mukkombu, Perugamani, Pettavaithalai, Kulithalai, Lalapettai, Krishnarayapuram, Mayanur, Manavasi, Puliyur, Gandhigramam, and finally Karur bus stand.


Toll Plaza charges

There are two toll plazas between Trichy to Karur in Tamil Nadu. The first tollgate is near Trichy, the toll charges for a car in this tollgate is 25 rupees for one way, the return travel will be 15 rupees if you are using a fastag.

The second toll gate will be near Karur; the toll charges in this toll Plaza will be 45 rupees for one way and the return will be 25 rupees if you are paying through fastag.


Total toll gate charges for an up and down trip between Trichy to Karur is 110 rupees if paid through fastag. Total toll charges for or traveling from Trichy to Karur (one way) is 70 rupees

Tourist places between Trichy and Karur route
There are many temples between Trichy and Karur; most of them are Sivan temples for Lord Shiva and the tourist place is Mukkombu dam.


Flight route

Trichy has Tiruchirappalli international airport but the Karur district doesn’t have an airport; so you will not be able to travel by flight. The option you will be having is; to choose a bus or train or by your own vehicle.




Trichy to Karur distance is 82.6 kilometres Via Kulithalai.
Travel time 1 hour 48 Minutes
Road route: Nagapattinam – Coimbatore – Gundlupet Highway
Private Bus ticket price: 60 Rupees.
Government bus ticket price: 75 Rupees.
Toll plaza charges for Car: 70Rs one-way.

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Frequently asked questions


What is Trichy to karur distance?

Trichy to Karur distance is 82.6 Km exactly. The travel time is 1:48 hours by bus. There are two toll plazas that charge 70 Rs for a one-way trip by car. Though both bus and train routes are available, we recommend bus transport for convenience.


What are the available transport options between Trichy to Karur?

Bus, train and own vehicles are the available options for transport.


Is there any toll plaza between Trichy to Karur?

There are totally 2 plazas.


What are the toll charges for car travel from Trichy to Karur?

Using fastag, its 45 rupees plus 25 rupees; totally 70 rupees for one way travel from Trichy to Karur


Are there any tourist spots in between?

Mukkombu is the tourist spot between Trichy to Karur.


How much does it cost to travel by bus?

75 rupees if you are traveling on a government bus and 60 rupees if you take a private bus.


What are the famous bus stops between Trichy to Karur?

Mukkombu, Kulithalai, lalapettai are the important bus stops.


Which is a better option to travel from Trichy to Karur; by bus or by train?

Bus is the best option to travel, due to its frequency.


What is the best route to travel from Trichy to Karur?

The best route for Trichy to Karur is via Kulithalai and it will be 82 kilometers in distance



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